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Two men cornered on the edge of a homeland. And among them is the age-old question of generation and ancestry. Petros and Rigas. Are they siblings? Was it once, and now is it no more? They’ve never been, and now it’s time for them to be? Are there any answers, or are they all figments of an alcoholic mind?

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Two men cornered on the edge of a homeland. And among them is the age-old question of generation and ancestry.

Petros and Rigas. Are they siblings? Was it once, and now is it no more? They’ve never been, and now it’s time for them to be?

Have they always known each other, or will they choose to remain strangers, each immersed in their universe?

Petros Katsantonis, the book’s hero, decides to answer all his questions at once just before time runs out for good.

Who was his father?

And his mother, his dear Theodora, was she his mother?

And this stranger, on the other side of the country, this Rigas who claims, in addition to half the property, perhaps even the same root; why now?

After all, is it the blood determining his fate or the paths he chooses?

Are there any answers, or are they all figments of an alcoholic mind?

Additional Information

  • Original language :
  • ISBN : 978-618-5617-28-8
  • Publishers' price : 14,00
  • Web Price : 12,60

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