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The Two Presents


A story about how our body’s life can determine our choices, creativity, and eroticism; is about the spirit’s weakness in the face of the human form’s beauty. A story about the wound of unrequited love and the gap that the love earthquake opens. But it also is a novella for the sublimation of agony in the flowers that will fill it.


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If human beauty is a perishable value, if from its birth it is subject to the erosion of time, as long as it lasts, as long as it dazzles with its radiance the doomed to live in its shadow, it remains invaluable. And if it is “the perceptible image of infinity,” as one thinker called it, it is at the same time ruthless, cruel. Whoever repined for it but did not have her gift will live forever with the certainty of lack; whoever dares to approach her will be in danger of being struck by lightning to become ashes.

Andreas, the young biologist of the story, has been deprived of beauty. And maybe that is why he is looking for it with so much persistence and despair. Andreas will meet the beauty in the face of Myrra in a setting of exotic phantasmagoria; and will feel the shocking touch of beauty. He will believe that he won it for a while, and then he will lose it permanently, forever.

A story about how our body’s life can determine our choices, creativity, and eroticism; is about the spirit’s weakness in the face of the human form’s beauty. A story about the wound of unrequited love and the gap that the love earthquake opens. But it also is a novella for the sublimation of agony in the flowers that will fill it.


Additional Information

  • Original title : Τα δύο δώρα
  • Original language :
  • ISBN : 978-960-8061-96-5
  • Publishers' price : 12,00
  • Web Price : 10,80

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