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The Stork’s Stand


Short texts about poetry, for what it contains, and what encompasses it. In short, reflection is poetic, and it constructs while it unfolds. It is like the stork’s stand: horizontal when it flies with its wings outstretched and scouts, and vertical in immobility while he is staring at the horizon.

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Short texts about poetry, for what it contains, and what encompasses it. Micro-essays trying to reflect on the turn of a road, a moment, an image. They tried out and are tried out to articulate in a short dive in depth and width, as long as it takes for a breath practiced in a free dive on their surfaces, phenomena, and seabeds. They attempt to say a little, suggesting as much and keeping much more on the sidelines. The intellect proceeds just a few steps to give form to a discourse, either on the words themselves and their formations, on the things and the aura surrounding them, or on the movements and situations. In short, reflection is poetic, and it constructs while it unfolds. It is like the stork’s stand: horizontal when it flies with its wings outstretched and scouts, and vertical in immobility while he is staring at the horizon.

Additional Information

  • ISBN : 978-618-5617-11-0
  • Publishers' price : 17,70
  • Web Price : 15,93

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