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In Publishing

since 1956

The Two Temples


A personal visual diary poetically inspired by the artist’s travel experience in Japan, based on it and at the same time moving away from it to expand the dimensions of the real and the visible.

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From Lafcadio Hearn to Roland Barth, Japan’s “intangible and fluid” charm fascinated writers, artists, thinkers, and travelers. Like an ethnologist of everyday life, a wanderer probing with an insatiable curiosity and indefinable desire the density and subtlety of a distant culture, Stefanos Rokos’ work wondrously captures a world of tension and eroticism, allusive gestures and powerful signs, disparate conjunctions, and contrasting representations. A personal visual diary poetically inspired by the artist’s travel experience in Japan, based on it and at the same time moving away from it to expand the dimensions of the real and the visible.

Additional Information

  • ISBN : 978-608-5617-08-0
  • Publishers' price : 27,00
  • Web Price : 24,30

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